On Wednesday, after the election …

If it has been our practice to wake up each morning, or even some mornings, and say prayers to center ourselves in a mindset of gratefulness and hope;

If it is the tenor of our hearts to live lives of love — imperfect but authentically —

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Allen Levi

In the original text of Theo of Golden, I had a detailed description— too detailed, we concluded — of the Promenade, the median where Theo met with recipients of his bestowals.

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I had the great pleasure recently of attending a concert performance by Drew and Ellie Holcomb. Just them and a couple of guitars. Simple, sweet, joyful. And there were a couple thousand other adoring fans in the opulent…

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Allen LeviComment
Meet Mary Burkett

I wish I had possessed the foresight, when I began work as a traveling musician in 1996, to keep a written record of some of the more unique people I’ve met in my travels. By now that record would be a tome but one, I think, well worth reading…

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Allen Levi
The Sound In My Head

Confession 1: I am a sucker for a lush, emotive, (dare is say it) pretty movie soundtrack. . . . And by the way, you are too. (Tell me you didn’t cry when the family dog died and the little boy is sobbing…

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The Unwanted Friend

I don’t know that I’ve ever completely finished a song. I’ve worked on a few thousand and gotten them to the point that they were performable, or recordable. But there’s often the gnawing sense…

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Know Who

When I first started doing music full-time, as a 40+ year-old totally unknown guy-with-a-guitar, I said ‘yes’ to pretty much every gig opportunity that came my way. I played for all sorts of audiences…

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The Cup is Full

A couple of months ago, I was at a gathering in Pine Mountain, the small town just north of where I live. A neighbor and old friend, Gary Zuerner, was also there. He was wearing a brimmed hat about which I paid a compliment…

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